Our G-Cloud 14 offering focuses on proven digital tools and content developed by groups of AHP experts to amplify the reach of existing staff cost-effectively.
The benefit is typically 2.2 years of OT time, with a potential cost avoidance of £168k (2023 costs). For instance, non-registered advisors supported by our LifeCurve Pro tool are routinely used to reach 1500 older people with functional needs. A recent initiative is deploying tools with Dom Care workers to implement a low-cost reablement programme in place of the traditional time and task model. Previous evidence suggests the potential to 'free up' around 15% of existing resources for supporting more older people.
Hospital Discharge teams can introduce the 2/3 of older people who already have and use Smart Phones to the LifeCurve™ app, which will support and track post-discharge recovery. All these services provide targeted exercises, person-matched assistive technology, and relevant broader advice. These are carefully selected and matched through healthy ageing algorithms developed with panels of Allied Healthcare Professionals with hundreds of years of combined experience, complemented by published peer-reviewed academic findings. These are just three of the creative ways through which we can support cost-effective management of the needs of community-based older people.